2013(e)ko urriaren 17(a), osteguna


Here you have a video showing the most popular monuments and places of the city that we are going see:


Here we have information about the cheapest flight and the hotel that we have found. We know that the first impression can be that it's not very cheap, but the price includes the hotel and the flight so in not very expensive.

The flight departure time is at 07:05 so we will have to get up very early. But the journey lasts more than four hours so we will have enough time to sleep.
The arrival is at 11:40 and a bus will take us to our hotel.

The first day we can enjoy the afternoon in the swimming pool or go to play golf to the club that is near to the hotel.   

The metro will be the easiets way to move in the city because there is a station near the hotel. 


Here we have the a map where we can find the different things that we are going to visit:

The first day, after having a nice breakfast, we will take the train and we will stop in Ottaviano station. In order to visit the Vatican City.
When we arrived we will first go to visit the Basilica de San Pedro. This place is the most important religious temple, also is the place where the pope celebrates the most important liturgies. In fact, we can’t leave Rome without visiting this church.

Visiting the Basilica is free, but if you want to see the dome you will have to pay 5€. We think that is a good idea to pay for it, because you will have a better view of the Basilica.

Then we can have lunch in one of the numerous restaurants located near the Vatican, don´t forget to taste the typical Italian food.
In the afternoon we can stroll through the streets of Rome freely. There are a lot of beautiful museums that are free for people under age part of the EU, so we recommend you to visit one.

And for those people who don’t like museums too much, don’t worry! There are other fantastic places to visit, so we recommend you to go and see some of the fantastic squares like “Plaza de EspaƱa”.
After this exhausting day we can just relax in our hotel.


The following day we will be sightseeing in this lovely city. First of all we will take the train and stop in Piazza del Colosseo, the train will leave us near the Coliseum. We will take the tickets that will allow us to visit the Coliseum, the Foro Romano and the Palatino. So don’t worry if they are large rows in the Coliseum, you can visit first the others ruines.

Don't forget to visit the temples that are located in the Foro Romano.
The Foro Romano is one of the most beautiful and interesting place in the city, so is easy to be there some hours walking through the temples without getting bored.
After having lunch we will take another train and stop in Barberini station with the intention of visit Fontana de Trevi, one of the most famous fountains. The legend say that if you throw one coin to the fountain you will return to Rome, if you throw two you will find the true love and if you throw three you will married with this love.

Then we will have time to sightseening freely. Rome has many places to see especially for people who like acient ruines and history. For those people we recommend to visit the Panteon de Agripa.


After two days of sightseeing, the last day, we can do something different. In Rome they celebrate a lot of markets and we think that it could be interesting to visit one. 

We think the best option will be the Porta Portese Flea Market which is Rome's largest market . Every Sunday morning the streets around Via Portuense fill with shoppers and sellers of every kind.
Here in the linck for more infotmation about the market: http://www.portaportesemarket.it/

After lunch we can go shopping in the main shopping streets. The area around Piazza di Spagna is the most famous shopping district in Rome. We can find from stores of Italian designer lines like Prada to small shops with vintage clothes.

If you are not interested in shopping you can go to Piazza Navona. Here we can find a lot of great painters selling their works.

The last day we can relax until the bus comes to take us back to the airport.